For most part of the 20th century, scientists believed that the brain is a physiologically static organ that does not change after a critical period in childhood. Brain sciences underwent a paradigm shift in the late 20th century as more and more evidence was uncovered suggesting that the brain changes significantly over the course of our lifetimes and that this change can be caused by our own actions. This notion – That our brain can change structurally and functionally due to our own behaviour, called “Neuroplasticity” is now firmly grounded in scientific theory and has revolutionized the way we look at our own brains.

Just to be sure, the human mind still remains somewhat of a mystery when compared with the rest of the human body. But, there seem to be some similarities in the way they work. Research has repeatedly confirmed what can now be accepted as a fact of science that, the brain can be exercised just like the human body and both short term and long term physical changes can be observed in the brain through this process. This is the foundational stone of cognitive brain training. Neurons in the brain are the active elements of brain function and there are tens of billions of them. These billions of neurons are connected to each other through links or synapses. It has been observed that behavioural changes result in reorganization of this neural architecture and conversely, changes in neural architecture changes behaviour.

How we benefit from this beautiful aspect of the brain is what inspired Cognosia. Carefully designed exercises in foundational cognitive processes have shown to improve performance on broader and more general tasks like reasoning and problem solving.