Working Memory

What is Working memory?

Working memory is the cognitive system responsible for the transient holding and processing of new and already-stored information – Somewhat analogous to the computer RAM. It is the kind of system that you would need to perform a mental multiplication – or for that matter while you are trying to read and understand a complex sentence. The reason why people can handle 2- digit multiplication (e.g. 13 X 48), but fail when they are asked to perform the more difficult feat of 3-digit multiplication (123 X 212) is that working memory is a limited capacity system and cannot accommodate the multiple intermediate results of the latter operation.

Why Train Working Memory?

Research has shown that working memory can be improved with “deliberate” practice – A structured approach to practice where one is constantly looking to push his or her own boundaries. Games have been shown to be particularly helpful in working memory training and have been widely used in research settings. Popular research paradigms to train working memory include the N-back, simple and complex span tasks. Working memory training is also used extensively in the treatment of disorders including ADHD. Our working memory games leverage proven ideas from the field of working memory training but also attempt to make the games fun and engaging.