Cancellation and Refund Eligibility:


1. Refunds will be provided on a prorated basis for the remaining sessions if the student chooses to cancel after certain sessions have been completed. The refund will be calculated based on the number of sessions remaining in the purchased package.

2. Refunds will be processed based on the number of days remaining on the subscription plan at the time of the cancellation request.


3. Since this is a one-time use product, refunds can be processed only before the tests are initiated on the website. Before the tests are initiated, a full refund is possible on cancellation. Once the tests are initiated by the user on the website, no refunds are possible.

Refund Calculation:

For Cognition+ and, the refund will be calculated based on the number of sessions (for cognition+)/days (for remaining in the purchased package. The prorated amount will be determined by dividing the remaining number of sessions/days by the total number of sessions/days in the package.
The refund amount will be calculated as follows:
Refund Amount = (Number of Remaining Sessions/days รท Total Number of Sessions/days) x Total Package Price

Refund Process:

To request a refund, the student or their parent/guardian must follow these steps:

Additional Information